How Tom Increased His Salary by 30% in 6 Weeks
My Career Felt Stuck.
I was working in product & “innovation”, but we never actually did real innovation. Most product developments were technically driven, without including customers at all.
It felt really frustrating to work on ideas that you knew would never deliver any value to our customers.
I felt like the whole process - my whole job - was largely a waste of time.
A Safe Space To Level-Up
I decided to join Prod MBA to learn what building product was really like.
It promised a safe space to put into practice many of the ideas and frameworks I had read about, but had never been able to apply.
The Product Mindset
The team talk about it a lot - and why it is so important - but the mindset shift on the programme is powerful.
Joining Prod MBA completely changed how I approach product work, from vision to strategy to execution.
I started to become obsessed with customer problems, not just solutions, and deeply understanding how product should be approached - what the building blocks are to build a successful product.
My Dream Job & A 30% Pay Rise
Prod MBA has helped me in many ways, but specifically:
Helping increase my salary by 30% with my new role
Helping me find my dream role within 6 weeks of deciding it was time to find a new role, asserting myself against over 100 applicants, with many more experienced and better qualified people on paper, such as PhDs & successful founders.
Opening up my career options a lot! I had 17 interview invitations, largely as a result of my improved CV and greater confidence when interviewing
Having greater impact with my work. I am THE one who shifts our company’s focus away from solutions & over-engineering and towards customer development. The Prod MBA gave me the confidence that this is always the right approach. I also now understand how to facilitate workshops to align our teams more effectively.
Tom is an experienced innovation manager based in Germany, working for a world-market leader in chemistry.
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There are two things you can do:
👉 Get started with our free Product Leadership Book here
👉 Apply now for our next cohort - places are limited, so apply ASAP!